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October 08, 2006

Payne Spencer

You really do have to laugh at these internet scams sometimes. This one for example:

There is absolutely going to be a great doubt and distrust in your
heart in respect of this email, coupled with the fact that, so many
individuals have taken possession of the Internet to facilitate their
nefarious deeds, thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine and
legitimate business class persons to get attention and recognition.

There's lots of crooks sending these letters but I, only I, am a legitimate business class person!


It's the same old scam.

There is no money, no special account. You will be asked to pay, in advance, a series of fees to get the money out.

The criminals will simply keep this money. Nothing will ever be sent to you.

It's a scam, a fraud.

Ignore it.

From: Mr. Payne Spencer
Halifax Bank London
Telex/wire transfer Department
email: [email protected]

Re: Wire transfer advice
There is absolutely going to be a great doubt and distrust in your
heart in respect of this email, coupled with the fact that, so many
individuals have taken possession of the Internet to facilitate their
nefarious deeds, thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine and
legitimate business class persons to get attention and recognition.

We wish to notify you on a deposit with our Bank which has remained
unclaim for sometime now due to some internal prohibition by myself and
another juinor officer in my Bank.

The fund was deposited by Mr.Abdul Malik a government Minister in West
Africa. The Deposit was made by his partner, Mr. Jurgen Kaltofen who
has refused to come up because he has a deal closed with our Bank manager
and they moved out an initial sum of us$74million which Mr. Malik also
Deposited in his name.  I am being deprived of getting part of this
money and based on this reason, I have decided to use this great
opportunity and will let you know the skill how they move out this funds.

As a Junior officer in the Bank, I have come accross several ideas
whereby deposited funds from African Government/Heads of states do no
longer have access of their own funds as the Bank officers on top close most
accounts and having these funds themselves.(call out accounts). The
Depositors does not say anything as to avoid being implicated and their
names being mentioned to their government.

I have a very poor family background and would like to get established
after these. I am making solid arrangment to resign once the funds are
moved into a safe account overseas as I therefore advice that you get
in contact me on:  [email protected]

We shall have a strong agreement signed between us that once this fund
get to your account, the sharing ratio will not change. I am keeping
this to myself and will work it out with you as fast as possible. This
has been a Banking technics over African Government officer and should be
kept secrete till we have acheived our goals. Please mail me once you
are able to have this done with me.

The documents that will cover the outgoing funds will be obtained and
you will have copies of them in case your Bank queries you on the source
of the funds. Once the fund gets to you, We shall destroy all documents
and arrange a meeting with you either in your country or where ever you
may wish. My partner is looking for a trusted person who can assist us
so please kindly give us the 100% guarantee that you will safe-keep
this fund.

Sincerely yours,

Mr. Payne Spencer
Halifax Bank London
Telex/wire transfer Department.
email: [email protected]

October 8, 2006 in Basic 419 | Permalink


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